Wilkerson's Landscaping Services in Edina, Woodbury & St Paul, MN offers commercial landscaping services to give your business beautiful and unique visual appeal. We can start from scratch or add to your existing landscaping. Our process includes an in-person evaluation of your lawn. From rock to plant installations, you can trust our professional eye to create a design that fits the natural flow of your lawn. Once we have your approval, we'll order the necessary materials and schedule an installation date.

Call 651-829-5910 to learn more about tree and landscape rock installation services for your property.

Give your landscape a custom look

You can hire us for a wide range of tasks to make your commercial landscape pop. We offer:

  • Plant installations
  • Tree installations
  • Flower installations
  • Mulch installations
  • Landscape rock installations
  • And more
We can also edge your lawn and plant beds for a clean, professional look. Reach out today to begin the design process.